
What colour do you need the most at the moment?

Buying dietary supplement products for one’s health is no longer solely a concern for older people. Living healthily and energetically daily is also a major concern for young people.

Lydia, who entered the store looking for products that suited her, was surprised to see numerous dietary supplements. However, she soon wondered, ‘Is there a product that young people like me can buy without any barriers?’ The countless number of products and brands, accompanied by a plethora of information, made it even more confusing to find the products she needed.

Our Story

Maggie is a person who wants to take dietary supplements more than just regularly, as she always did. She wanted to tailor her needs according to her daily condition and required various options to choose from accordingly. Keeping one’s health is more complex than they thought. “To intuitively find the most suitable products that I need,” that’s what Maggie wanted.

Hana agreed with their opinion and decided to replenish the missing nutrients with different ingredients each time, much like filling the colours of an empty palette. She could discern her needs more quickly as she saw the spaces being filled gradually. By listening to the voice of the body and adding colours according to the daily condition, Bless U began from there.

Lydia felt relieved and happy to have the things her body needed. Just as emotions and health status cannot be determined with only one word, the colour that represents them cannot be distinguished with just one. Similar to the dispersed colours of a prism with no clear boundaries, Bless U contains a gradually changing colour. These three women felt that their worries and thoughts were resolved through Bless U, and they finally found what they were craving.

Having been able to take care of their health more meticulously, they now have a broader perspective, and as their vision expanded, things that were no longer visible began to come into their eyes.
In today’s modern world, there were too many people like themselves in the past who couldn’t take care of themselves. It was full of busy people who needed a chance to reflect on their identity and authenticity. These women wanted to spread the happiness that they felt to other people as well. Individual health and happiness are the most important things, but they also thought that since they are in a world where they live with other people, true happiness can be made when this health is expanded. And soon, they realized they were right. When they saw that people’s needs were being met by changing their surroundings, they felt happiness increased. They hope that more and more people can take a good look at themselves through Bless U, which blesses everyone’s health.

By listening to the voice of the body and adding colours according to the daily condition, Bless U began from there.
Lydia K
Founder, Owner
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